Clean Facilities Initiative!

Through these uncertain times, we need to do our part to work together collectively to maintain best cleaning practices. We believe that consistent updates and educating through resources and tools is the best way to expand our knowledge to fight this virus together!  We've gone ahead and compiled a few resources below (Posters, Videos, Literature, etc) from one of our most strategic suppliers, GOJO. 

Please feel free to download them, share them, print them off and hang them, etc!

Some supplies can be hard to find, but we do have Purell in this temporary packaging in-stock and available. Check out our entire line of infection prevention products.


How to Properly Use Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizers

Over the last year, businesses within all industries have been adding Hand Sanitizer dispensers around their locations.  While the process of using hand sanitizer may be fairly straight forward, we think education and knowledge are an important factor in fighting this pandemic together!  


Download More Info from GOJO


 Chemical Do's and Don'ts! 

In the last few months, you've probably added a few new disinfectant / sanitizing solutions to your work flow due to Covid-19.  Whether it be an entirely new chemical solution or a new dispensing/application method altogether, you'll want to make sure everyone is up to speed with the dos and don't of chemical handling. 

With this infographic, you can quickly display the most common dos and donts when it comes to chemical handling and dispensing.  

Download | More Info from GOJO





 Cleaning vs Sanitizing vs Disinfecting? 

What exactly do these terms MEAN? We see them all across these posters, print outs, emails, billboards, etc; but what are the actual differences and what do they mean to you?  

By knowing the differences between these terms, you can help both you and those around you understand the process towards effective, clean, and healthy facility standards. 


Download | More Info from GOJO